Inhalation Therapy Eye Therapy Ear/Brain Therapy
Great as a stand alone therapy to cleanse the Great For Inproving Eye Health, Vision, Eye Improves hearing loss and helps treat
lungs and flood the body with hydrogen. Also a stress and any damage to the cornea or retina. damaged ear drums and/or any infection in
perfect addition to enhance any other therapies the ear pathway. Also a perfect therapy to
such as vitamin IV drip, massage, chiropractic etc. help treat Alzheimer's, Dementia and any
It works synergistically with all other therapies other neurological disorders. Great addition
and or medicines. to enhance other therapies as well.
The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Axiom H2 products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. They are designed to support general wellness, optimize performance, and aid in research. If you have a medical condition, are pregnant, or have health concerns, we recommend consulting your healthcare provider before use.